Levels of sponsorship receive benefits with varying degrees of publicity and promotion, based on amount donated. Please call for further information or to discuss benefit details for sponsorship levels, including for amounts not listed. (Miles Okumura, 808-640-4602.) See details of sponsorships.
Festival Presenting Sponsor |
$10,000 |
Parade Presenting Sponsor |
$10,000 |
Festival Stage Sponsor |
$5,000 |
T-Shirt Sponsor |
$2,000 |
Read for Peace Sponsor |
$250 |
Peace Day – Movie Night Sponsor |
$1,000 |
Peace Poster Contest Sponsor |
$1,000 |
Parade Float Sponsor |
$500 |
Parade Marshal Sponsor |
$100 - $250 |
Parade Security Sponsor |
$750 |
Parade Lua Sponsor |
$250 |
Group t-shirt purchase for discount |
$150 or more |
Details of Sponsorships
- Parade and Festival sponsorship at major levels will cover costs of the administrative, production and promotional costs, such as the individual items which may or may not be paid for by sponsorships at lesser levels, described below.
- Festival Stage sponsorship will pay for the cost of stage rental, set-up, sound system, and fees for performing artists, including those from off-island.
- T-Shirt Sponsors help support an important fund-raising activity of the Peace Committee by subsidizing the costs of production of the t-shirts for the Parade and Festival.
- Peace Poster Contest sponsorship will pay for cash prizes awarded to various age levels (kindergarten through 12th grade). Hundreds of students and their teachers from Hawaii and around the world will be invited participate and submit posters created based on this year's theme of The Golden Chain of Love.
- Run for Peace sponsorship aids in the production of the 5K run that precedes the parade. Cash prizes will be awarded.
- Read for Peace sponsorship helps promote reading of peace-themed books by students, including a special event at the local library (produced in partnership with Friends of the Honoka`a Library).
- Peace Film Festival sponsorship will make possible display of of a series of peace-themed films in the community (including schools).
- Parade Float sponsorship supports the cost of the many groups appearing in the parade. Full sponsorship receives announcement in parade and banner credit in parade.
- Parade Banner sponsors pays for banners for purposes of publicity and display before and during the parade.
- Parade Marshals sponsorship helps cover the costs of t-shirt uniforms and walkie-talkies used by the marshals.
- Parade Security sponsorship includes the cost of police officers required for safety and security at the parade and festival.
- Parade and Festival Lua sponsors will help provide adequate bathroom facilities for participants in the parade and attendees at the festival.
Group t-shirt purchases of ten or more, though not a sponsorship level, are another way to support the events. $15.00 per shirt; sizes small through double extra-large. Free shipping on orders of ten or more; use T-shirt order form.
Sponsorship Benefits
- Amount of $1000 receives announcements and banner in the parade and festival, website link and credit, plus t-shirt credit.
- Sponsorship amount of $2500 receives above benefits plus banner credit at events, printed materials credit.
- Sponsorship of $5000 or greater receives all of the above benefits and, throughout the year: credit in publicity and press as a major sponsor, product distribution and exclusivity at festival, priority placement and proportional exposure in printed materials and merchandise.
- All sponsorships will receive credit on website. T-Shirt Sponsors' sole additional credit will be on t-shirt, equal to $2,500 sponsorship level.
Further benefits are available and negotiable, depending on level of sponsorship and needs of individual sponsor. Contact the Peace Committee for details and discussion. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.